T-ara – “Roly Poly” (MV + Live Performance + Stage ver. + The Making)
Famous girl group T-ara is finally back with their new music video “Roly Poly” from their new album “John Travolta Wannabe“. The new song had a concept taken from one of John Travolta’s hit movie “Saturday Night Fever“. Unlike ordinary music video/s this one lasted 12 minutes which converted into a mini movie/music video. You’ll be blasted to the past to the classic-retro songs from the 70s up to the 80s. With dance moves that is explicit yet simple so that the listeners can follow it. Furthermore to catch the listener’s attention the song has an addictive beat and melody to make it the new national dance song in Korea. Watch the video/s below. T-ara – Roly Poly MV T-ara – Roly Poly (Live Performace / Comeback Stage) T-ara – Roly Poly (Stage version) T-ara – Roly Poly (The making of music video)